

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lofting Pictures

Here are some shots of the Bowl of Spaghetti.
This is an overall shop of the loft floor.


We stapled down sheets of doorskin and painted it white. We were then only allowed to walk on the loft floor in slippers, or in socks. Remember, we mark points with 6 penny finish nails. Finish nails sticking out of the floor like a pin cushion + Sock feet = ouch.

Here is my table of offsets, the keel of my boat, and the tips of my toes.

Tim's toes, and my benchmate dylan drawing a freakin tight curve at station 6 with a bundle batten. Battens are flexible sticks of straight grained wood. Bundle battens are 1/8" thick white oak battens bundled together and fastened at one end so they slide past each other as they bend. They are a natural spline.

Here is a closeup of the bundle batten in action. Amazing how tight of a curve you can draw with one of these things. If you're amazed by curvy wood, i suppose. I am easily enthused.

We finally got all of our major lines down today. Now all we have to do is develop about 50 straight on views of various pieces of the boat. Simple. I need to go back to 8th grade and actually pay attention to basic geometry, as its apparently the basic foundation to all lofting.

Yesterday i was convinced that it was voodoo, plain and simple. I was pretty sure i could benefit from carrying a chicken foot in my left pocket, and throwing a pinch of salt over my left shoulder before i struck a line. I also considered only lofting on the north side of the shop at midnight of the full moon. But, today i drew some righteous tumblehome in my transom by developing an extra waterline between 2a and 3a, and crossing it with butt 4. then i faired the errors in my LWL with the help of butt 4 and developed my rabbet at the stem with the help of diagonals A,B, and C.

Maybe i'm getting it.

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